This is a state wide "league" held primarily during the winter (November - February). Tournaments are hosted by various shops or clubs around the state. Any archer can compete in the events but you must be a NFAA/TFAA Member to compete for the SYWAT Aggregate/Tour Champion award. N.F.A.A. divisions and shooting styles will be in effect. For the current shooting styles, CLICK HERE.
Costs Per Round:
$25 - Adult Categories
$20 - Cub/Youth/Young Adult
$70 - Max. Per Family
The indoor SYWAT format is the NFAA standard "300 Round," shot at 10 yards for cubs and 20 yards for all other age classes. Archers shoot 12 ends of 5 arrows each for a total of 60 arrows.
Targets are rotated between top and bottom after the 6th end.
Targets are the archer's choice of the NFAA 40 cm (blue) single spot, or the NFAA 5 spot. Scoring on the 40 cm target is 5-4-3-2-1. Xs score 5, but are counted as a tiebreaker.
The 5 spot target is scored 5-4. Xs score as 5, but are counted as a tiebreaker.
This goes to the top scoring shooter in their respective division and style for the SYWAT Indoor Season. Three SYWAT shoots and the State Tournament are required to be eligible for the SYWAT Tour/Aggregate Award. Your top three SYWAT scores plus your total TFAA State Indoor Championship score will be added together to determine the SYWAT Aggregate/Highest Score Award for each division and style. You can only win for one division and style. The Aggregate/Highest Score Award award will be presented at the awards ceremony during the TFAA State Indoor Championship.
Each individual SYWAT event is its own tournament. Winners for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be recorded for individual award purposes. Individual awards will be created and made available for pick-up at the TFAA State Indoor Championship. The individual award is a single award listing the location and place for each individual event, where the individual actually placed. You must place first, second, or third in three (3) or more separate events in order to receive a plaque. The last weekend before the State Tournament is not included in order to get awards ready in time for the tournament.
The TFAA Globetrotter Award is presented to the archer who has attended the most SYWAT shoots during a season. [The last shoot included is two weeks prior to State, in order to allow time for acquiring the trophy.] Multiple shoots at a single location (same weekend) count as one. There are two (2) awards annually, one for the indoor season and one for the outdoor season. In the event two or more archers tie for the most shoots attended, the following tiebreaker rules will apply, in order:
1. TFAA membership
2. Different SYWAT locations shot
3. Different TFAA districts shot
4. The furthest distance traveled to shoot
If there are two or more archers tied after these tiebreakers, then there will be no award for that season. If two archers in the same family tie for the award, the award will be issued with both names.
Top 3 places in each division/style will receive an award regardless of the number of participants.
(combined perfect score 1200-240x)
Best 3 scores from SYWAT Indoor events (You must shoot at least three events)
Both day score from the TFAA State Indoor Championship
Shoot as many SYWAT events as you wish, only your top scores will be used. You can shoot the same location on the same weekend multiple times but only the highest score will count towards the SYWAT awards.
Questions or comments?? Please contact the TFAA Tournament Director for more details.
For a complete list of SYWAT Indoor Events check the TFAA Schedule