Registration Information for the TFAA State Indoor Championship
This is a Two Day Tournament (The Registration Fee Covers Both Days)
You must shoot both days to be eligible for awards.
COST: (Cub, Youth, Young Adult) - $35 Adult Classes - $50 Family Max - $100
Registration Options:
Friday/Saturday Line - This line will shoot at 6:30 pm both day (No changes) [You will not shoot on Sunday]
Saturday Lines (7:30 am, 11:15 am, or 3:00 pm) - You may choose one of these times for your Saturday shoot time (space available).
(Cubs will have the option of 11:15 am or 3:00 pm)
Sunday Shoot Times - Those shooting the Saturday Lines will be
ASSIGNED their Sunday shoot time.
This is done in order to get all of a division/style together for award purposes.
We schedule the youth classes early so archers may travel back home for school Monday
Cubs will shoot at either 7:30 am or 11:15 am (classes to be determined)
All Youth will shoot at 7:30 am
All Young Adults will shoot at 11:15 am
Adult classes will be distributed as required to balance the lines
There will be an awards ceremony following each Sunday line If you shoot Friday/Saturday, your class awards will be on Sunday
Sunday Shoot Times by Individual will be posted on this website by the Thursday before the tournament. You must have a current NFAA/TFAA membership to shoot this tournament.
Membership information HERE
You must have a TFAA website account (FREE) in order to register for this tournament. If you do not have one, do this....
1. Click LOGIN, select NEW Account and complete the required information.
2. Go to the upper right-hand corner of the page and select MY ACCOUNT, then select ARCHERS
3. If the archer you are wanting to register is not listed, click ADD NEW ARCHER
4. Complete the required information on the archer. If you do not have an NFAA member ID, skip this. Don’t forget to SAVE ARCHER.
5. If you have additional archers in your family who will be shooting, select ADD ARCHER and repeat step 3.
This tournament will be shot using NFAA/TFAA Age/Style classes. You can see these classes HERE
The registration system will select your age division based on your birthdate. If you intend to shoot in an age division other than your normal age class, you will need to contact or call Mark Tanner at 214-770-5903. For all other questions/help, please contact Mark or
If you need special accommodations (wheelchair, etc.) Please note this on your archer profile and let us know at We will be glad to accommodate you if we are aware of the need.
Registration Help HERE